2020 – Gaia’s Revenge
The world (and India too),
Is fighting the war, unforeseen
Against a sub-microscopic army
That keeps multiplying,
By every passing moment:
Against whom
All the lethal weapons
In the arsenals
Of all the nations combined
Are useless;
And the military helpless,
The governments at loss
And the politicos silent;
The businesses suffer.
When the larger chunks
Of people
Have lost their breads
And their homes, and honour;
And are running
From pillars to post.
The urban folks
At large,
Sit at home – restless,
Angry, deprived , desperate:
But, safe (?)
The medicos do fight,
At the front –
They win
Some of the battles,
while losing others;
And losing their lives,
In the course.
It seems
Inflated human arrogance,
Will be humbled
By Gaia,
And will be shown its place!
13th April, 2020