
Showing posts from October, 2012

To Pune

I can visualize How my life will change: A few days later; When I leave your lovely aura And enter into realms of An unknown city.. I will remember With longing, Every nook n corner; Every street, Every late night movie Every coffee And the highway And the long drives.. You took me in, When I was so naive: Made me survive The heartaches, failures, sadness Depressions and Nostalgic mood swings.. You took my adolescence; And have made a man.. A man, That will remember you, Always....                          dated: 08 may,2012


You kept quiet, You didn't say a thing. You were mum: Tears were ready To roll down your cheeks. But your teeth showed Through a plastic smile. Oh, your pink lips, how deceiving! Humoured everyone around. Sadness, finally found you; As you returned home, Alone within your closet: After a toiling day After a social life: Where you are known By the name "jubilant"...                        dated : 19 june, 2012

Graveyard of Lost Soul

They all frequent This graveyard; Every night. Over alcohol and cigarettes;  Some with Champagne and cigars.  Pondering over their death: Each one. A cop; who let out a hard core A doctor; who let a person die A lawyer; bailed out a murderer A judge; who erred in judgement. Some soul, They can't buy the alcohol; They crib and cry: They are guilty too. This graveyard is celebrating Every night. They regret their death: Over alcohol, and smoke And delicacies.                                                                            dated: 23 July 2012.